Delight in the extraordinary Ultraman "Aozora no Umeshu Great War," a plum wine created with the utmost dedication and the finest raw materials. Crafted from Ome green plums nurtured in Nara Prefecture, authentic shochu, sugar, and brewed alcohol, this plum wine is a testament to the pursuit of purity and taste excellence.
Our journey begins with a deep belief in the delectable nature of Nara's fresh green plums. These plums, carefully selected for their exceptional flavor, are allowed to ripen in the pristine environment of Nara, developing their natural sweetness and vibrancy over time.
To create this exceptional umeshu, these plums are combined with authentic shochu, a traditional Japanese spirit celebrated for its authenticity and craftsmanship. The addition of sugar and brewed alcohol enhances the umeshu's depth and balance, resulting in a taste that is both invigorating and harmonious.
This plum wine is a testament to the art of blending, reflecting our commitment to quality and the creation of an unforgettable drinking experience. Its flavors embody the purity and elegance of Japan.
This expression promises a taste of Japan's finest ingredients and craftsmanship. Elevate your palate and savor the beauty of umeshu with every sip. Here's to the essence of Nara's green plums and the timeless tradition of Japanese craftsmanship!